Cocoa Krispies Logo and Tagline
Cocoa Krispies is a breakfast cereal produced by Kellogg’s, coming both as a boxed cereal and as a snack bar with a ‘dried milk’ covered bottom. It is a cocoa flavored version of Rice Krispies that contains real chocolate.
- Product type : Breakfast cereal
- Owner : Kellogg’s
- Introduced : 1958
- Website
Cocoa Krispies Tagline / Slogan
- Just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy!
- Nothing tops Kellogg’s Coco Pops, Kellogg’s Coco Pops!
- We’d rather have a bowl of Coco Pops!
- Epic chocolatey fun for everyone.
- New White Choc Coco Pops Magically Delicious!
- Coco Pops and milk make a bowl full of fun.
- Coco Pops Crunchers – Can you handle the crunch?
- New Coco Pops Creations make a bowlful of fun!
- Coco Pops and hot milk are chocolatey fun!
- Coco Pops make milk go choc!
- Coco Pops – what goes on in that bowl?
- Ever thought of Coco Pops after school?
- And that’s part of the Coco Pops Promise!
- Coco Pops, chocolatey fun for everyone.
- Snap, Crackle, Pop, Cocoa Krispies!
- Keep your eyes open on the monkey you see, I’d always like a bowl of Cocoa Krispies!
- With every bite so chocolatey, oh, everybody wants my Cocoa Krispies!
- With every taste so chocolatey, everybody wants my Cocoa Krispies!
- With every taste so milk chocolatey, everybody wants my Cocoa Krispies!
- Coco Pops is so chocolatey, it even makes the milk turn brown.
- Καλύτερα ένα μπωλ με Coco Pops!” (“It is better to have a bowl of Coco Pops”).
Cocoa Krispies Logo
Tags : Cocoa Krispies Logo, Cocoa Krispies Tagline, Cocoa Krispies Slogan, Cocoa Krispies Owner.