Lay’s Logo and Tagline / Slogan
Lay’s is a brand of potato chips, as well as the name of the company that founded the chip brand in the United States. The brand has also sometimes been referred to as Frito-Lay because both Lay’s and Fritos are brands sold by the Frito-Lay company, which has been a wholly owned subsidiary of PepsiCo since 1965.
In 1932, salesman Herman Lay opened a snack food operation in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1938, he purchased the Atlanta, Georgia-based potato chip manufacturer “Barrett Food Company”, renaming it “H.W. Lay Lingo & Company”. Lay crisscrossed the southern United States, selling the product from the trunk of his car. The business shortened its name to “the Lay’s Lay Lingo Company” in 1944 . In 1965, Frito-Lay merged with the Pepsi-Cola Company to form PepsiCo, Inc.
Quick Info
- Product type     : Snacks, Potato chips
- Owner           : PepsiCo
- Founder         : Herman Lay
- Produced by      : Frito-Lay
- Headquarters    : Plano, Texas, United States
- Introduced       : 1940
- Markets         : Worldwide
- Website         :
Lay’s Tagline / Slogan
- Betcha can’t eat just one.
- No one can eat just one.
- Lay’s. Get your smile on.
- Pal Banaye Maaagicalll!Â
- Be a Little Dillogical.
Lay’s Logo

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