Fritos Logo and Tagline
Fritos is an American brand of corn chips and dipping sauces that was created in 1932 by Charles Elmer Doolin and produced since 1961 by the Frito-Lay division of PepsiCo. It is one of two brands representing Frito-Lay along with Lay’s.
Quick Info
- Product type  : Corn chip
- Owner       : PepsiCo (via Frito-Lay)
- Introduced   : 1932
- Website      :
Fritos Tagline / Slogan
- Munch a Bunch of Fritos.
- It tastes better with Fritos.
Fritos Logo

Tags : Fritos Logo, Fritos Tagline, Fritos Slogan, Fritos Owner, Fritos ad slogan.