Fox Broadcasting Company Logo and Tagline
The Fox Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcast television network owned by Fox Corporation and headquartered in New York City, with additional offices at the Fox Broadcasting Center in New York and the Fox Television Center in Los Angeles. Launched as a competitor to the Big Three television networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) on October 9, 1986, Fox went on to become the most successful attempt at a fourth television network.
- Type          : Television network
- Founded      : October 9, 1986
- Country       : United States
- Headquarters : New York
- Owner        : Fox Corporation
- Parent        : Fox Entertainment
- Website      :
Fox Broadcasting Company Tagline / Slogan
- Invested In You.
- Don’t Let Fox Weekend Pass You By.
- This is the Year.
- It’s On Fox!
- Fox: You’re Watching It.
- It Could Only Happen on Fox.
Fox Broadcasting Company Logo
Tags : Fox Broadcasting Company Logo, Fox Broadcasting Company Tagline, Fox Broadcasting Company Slogan, Fox Broadcasting Company Owner.