Slogan – Tagline – Logo – Founder – Owner (originally known as Ask Jeeves) is a question answering-focused e-business and web search engine founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in Berkeley, California. Three venture capital firms, Highland Capital Partners, Institutional Venture Partners, and The RODA Group were early investors. is currently owned by InterActiveCorp. was originally known as Ask Jeeves, “Jeeves” being the name of a “gentleman’s personal gentleman”, or valet, fetching answers to any question asked. The character was based on Bertie Wooster’s valet Jeeves, in the fictional works of P. G. Wodehouse.
- Type of site      : Answer engine
- Founded        : June 1996
- Headquarters    : Oakland, California, U.S.
- Owner         : IAC
- Created by      : Garrett Gruener, David Warthen, Douglas Leeds,
- Website        : Slogan / Tagline
- What’s Your Question? Logo
In 2010, abandoned the search industry, with the loss of 130 search engineering jobs, because it could not compete against more popular search engines such as Google. Earlier in the year, Ask had launched a Q&A community for generating answers from real people as opposed to search algorithms then combined this with its question-and–answer repository, utilizing its extensive history of archived query data to search sites that provide answers to questions people have.
Tags: Logo tagline, Logo, new logo, slogan.