Chicken of the Sea Logo and Tagline
Chicken of the Sea is a packager and provider of seafood, owned by the Thai Union Group in Samut Sakhon, Thailand. The brand is attached to tuna, salmon, clams, crab, shrimp, mackerel, oysters, kippers and sardines in cans, pouches and cups, as are its sister brands, Genova and Ace of Diamonds. The company was founded in 1914 when Frank Van Camp and his son bought the California Tuna Canning Company and changed its name to the Van Camp Seafood Company. The phrase “Chicken of the Sea”, first devised as a way to describe the taste, was so successful that soon it also became the company name.
- Industry       : Food processing
- Genre         : Seafood
- Headquarters  : El Segundo, California, U.S.
- Products      : Canned, frozen and refrigerated seafood, including tuna
- Owner        : Thai Union Group
- Website       :
Chicken of the Sea Tagline / Slogan
- Take the fork-lift test.
- Never mind the mush.
- It’s America’s best-tasting tuna.
- What’s the best tuna? Chicken of the Sea.
- Take a tip from the Mermaid and choose the chunkiest.
Chicken of the Sea Logo
Tags : Chicken of the Sea Logo, Chicken of the Sea Tagline, Chicken of the Sea Slogan, Chicken of the Sea Owner, Chicken of the Sea ad slogan.